All things minecraft related
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dont ask me why ive no idea
Ive started to play a lot of minecraft mostly on the sub only smp hosted by Cakejumper, ive built a lot of stuff there and theres some screenshots from there below
ill get around to filling out all the image descriptions eventually, theres a lot of them
the obelisk
this is my original base and was the first thing i built on this server, i gave it a lot of lore mostly based on the piglin invasions from minecraft legends. the story goes that the piglins built this tower with the power of the crimson fungi when they first invaded in order to form stratgies and expand, once they were pushed back into the depths the tower became abandoned and went untouched by the inhabitants of the overworld for centuries.
over this time the sculk slowly seeped up through the mountain corrupting every rock until it reached the peak and the great tower on top. upon first contact with the tower the sculk recoiled at the presence of the towers only imhabitant: the crimson fungi, inhabiting every brick it had fought to keep the tower standing and this sculk colony so desired every gram or rock around it this tower was the ultimate prize.
and this is where we find the tower, in this battle against the sculk doing all it can as the sculk tears it apart brick by brick.
old outpost house
I found a pair of islands that genenerated on the border of where the servers world seed was changed, this build is from when i first found these islands and from before i realised why the world generation on and around them was so weird. the general plan with this first build was to have a little house/outpost on there so i basically had 2 cuboids stacked on top of each other at weird angles which i then textured with sandstone and birch wood before adding a lot of azelea leaves on the outside and using paintings and flower pots to make the interior.
eco home thing
write something here
train station
write something here
mountain front
write something here
latin town main street
write something here
latin town main street
write something here
train station tree
write something here
underground end portal
open image in new tab for better view
this is an end portal that was found by another server member when they were digging their rail tunnel, as it was so close i decided to take it on and do some thing with it. This dark circular room covered in sculk is what i came up with, the portal is floating in the void surrounded by the remains of its copper frame now corrupted by the amethyst that ripped it apart. a rail link following this theme was also setup but a hidden room above the portal connecting it to the nether is what makes this portal useable
prismarine cathedral
write something here
the tunnel
this is a 6000 block tunnel all the way to spawn, not much lore this server just has a massive rail network and its encoraged to build new lines if you can or want to, this also goes to the calcium cave as well
calcium cave
when exploring a mineshaft near the obelisk i found 2 skeleton spawners just close enough to each other that a really good farm could be made from them, instead of doing the usual small room with the skeletons being fed to you through hidden water streams i chose to mine out the whole area around the spawners as well. each spawner would have a pit dug out under it and a tinted glass wall so that you could look inside from the 'cave', each pit would move the skeletons to a central spot as a normal farm would but with the area around the farms dug out i had the opportunity to decorate the cave with blackstone bricks and soul soil to give the feeling of an overgrown soul sand valley from the nether. as i had so much space in this area i also plan to continue to add farms to the area with it currently also including a super smelter underneath and a mud farm in one of the corners.
warden zombie arena
when hanging out with another member of the server in an ancient city i found a zombie spawner in the deep dark near a sculk shrieker where wardens could spawn, since this city was very far away and close to their build area i didnt want to take on a big project where i found this and so afterwards i came back to my area and started searching for a similar situation closer to the obelisk. in minecraft moutains do tend to generate 'close' to each other so it wasnt long till i found another zombie spawner near a sculk shrieker with them even bing on the same y level this time! the cave generation here was much more forgiving than it could have been with a lot of open space above and to the side over a lava lake allowing for a very grand arena, but a lot of deepslate still needed to be dug out for the pit. the arena itself is very grayscale with a lot of the deepslate that was dug being used to decorate it although the floor of the pit is all smooth basalt and the 'structural' ribs for the walls of the arena being polished basalt. a lot of redstone has been built into the floor of the arena as well to control the spawning of wardens, distracting wardens and the lighting of the arena. the upper balcony also had to be built as all of the stands are in range of the wardens ranged attack.
another of the first builds on the new islands this is a very goodtimeswithscar inspired build with the base of the lighthouse being this sheer pillar of rock on the coast connected by a fragile bridge. the lighthouse itself is quite simple although it does have a loop of observers in behind the redstone lamps to have the effect of a search light or beacon. this is still something im very proud of and even with all the progress that has been made its a very important part of the area.
mountain back
write something here
mountain observatory area
write something here
colourful latin town
write something here
latin town center tree
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mice map art
write something here
Atune the Tunetle
based on A'tuin though ive never read the book i still think its cool, Atune is A'tuins smaller sibling that really likes music and carries a record disc on their back for anyone to come and listen